Paediatric Delayed Milestones are the definite landmarks in the growth and development of the child.The term “Delayed milestone” or “developmental delays” is used to describe the condition where a child does not reach one of these stages at the expected age that means there is a Delay.Delayed growth involves poor or abnormally slow gains in weight or height in a child younger than 5 years old.


Delayed or slower-than-expected growth can be caused by many different things, including Low birth weight,Birth asphyxia,Brain injury,Genetics,Poor Nutrition,Infections,Chronic diseases,Psychosocial health,Brachial Plexus,Mascular Dystrophy

Diagnosis & Treatment

Diagnosis is made on the basis of medical, family and environmental history. A discrete assessment with the help milestone markers helps in understanding the physical and mental age and treatment done accordingly.


There is almost never a specific medicine or surgical procedure that will correct developmental delay. The most important thing a parent and we do for a delayed child is provide a loving and stimulating environment. To assist you in providing appropriate exercises and stimulation for your child
Physiotherapy focuses on function, movement, and optimal use of the child's potential and uses physical approaches to promote, maintain and restore physical, psychological and social well-being within all environments of the child including home, school, recreation, and community environments.